Friday, May 17, 2013

flashback friday: first day of middle school

welcome to our first flashback friday.  it's here that we are going to tell you the ridiculous, funny, awesome stories of kay and mrs. a.  you know, the kind of stories that got us comments like "you two should make your own tv show."  so i figured, we might as well start at the very beginning.

my family had just moved into town.  i had zero friends, and was super duper shy.  your first day of middle school with zero friends is just a rough place to be.  i quickly found my locker, you know, after going down every other hall.  and tried at least five times to get my combo right. '44-12-26.  i could have sworn i did right.'  then i hear this, "hi, umm.  could you try opening my locker for me?  i can't get it."  it was this little tiny red-head with a locker right next to mine who was probably half the size of me.  after a few tries we finally managed to get both open.  'okay, that wasn't so bad, and maybe that girl will be my friend.' i thought.

turns out, she thought i was a 9th grader, and to this day claims i followed her around for weeks.  well, lucky enough for me, that following around got me a BFF.  and you will quickly come to find out that kay changed my entire middle school experience.

mrs. a


  1. i love this! heather and i also met in middle school and have an equally awkward/great story. been best friends ever since!
